marți, 29 noiembrie 2016

CURS DE ENGLEZA IN 900 DE PASI -- Conditionalul

302. Modul conditional exista si in engleza si in romana:
I would fly if I had wings. - As zbura daca as avea aripi.
As zbura (I would fly) e conditionalul prezent
As zbura - I would fly e conditionalul prezent
303. Conditionalul Prezent ramane neschimbat la toate persoanele:
I would fly - Eu as zbura
You would fly - Tu ai zbura
He would fly - El ar zbura
She would fly - Ea ar zbura
We would fly - Noi am zbura
You would fly - Voi ati zbura
They would fly - Ei, Ele ar zbura
304. I shall do this are la conditional echivalentul I should do this
I will do this are la conditional echivalentul I would do this

would si should nu inseamna acelasi lucru:
shall implica o promisiune - should inseamna ar trebui
I would inseamna as vrea
Tom: I shall win the race! - Voi castiga cursa!
Bill: You should!- Ar trebui (ar fi cazul)

Tom: I will call you!- Am sa va sun!
Bill I know you would (like to call us), but... - Stiu ca ai vrea sa ne suni, dar...

305. La diateza pasiva ca si la diateza activa conditionalul nu se schimba in functie de persona (You, he, she etc)
I would be asked by my teacher - As fi intrebat de profesoara.

306. Conditionalul prezent continuu
I, you...would be flying.
They are flying a kite - Ei inalta un zmeu prezent continuu.
They would be flying a kite if there was wind - Ei ar inalta un zmeu daca ar avea vant conditionalul la prezent continuu.

307. Conditionalul prezent continuu inlocuieste conditionalul prezent in aceleasi cazuri in care prezentul continuu inlocuieste prezentul.
If he were here, he would be answering your questions, as we speak - Daca era aici, v-ar fi raspuns la intrebari chiar acum (in timpul acesta in care va vorbesc). iar la prezent Because he is here he is answeing questions, right now - Pentru ca e aici, el raspunde chiar acum la intrebari

308. Si Conditionalul Prezent Continuu ca si consditionalul prezent ramane neschimbat la toate persoanele.
I would be flying
You would be flying
He would be flying
She would be flying
We would be flying
You would be flying
They would be flying

309. Conditionalul Prezent Continuu nu are forma pasiva.

310. Conditionalul Trecut e de forma:
I would have asked - Eu as fi intrebat
I should have asked - Ar fi trebuit sa intreb

311. Conjugarea Conditionalului trecut e neschimbata la toate persoanele
In cazul verbelor neregulate se foloseste forma a treia
I would have asked
You would have asked
He would have asked
She would have asked
We would have asked
You would have asked
They would have asked

312. Diateza pasiva - Conditionalul Trecut
Ca si pana acum nici aceasta forma nu se schimba in functie de persoana (You, he, she etc)
I would have been asked by my teacher - As fi fost intrebat de profesoara mea.

313. Conditionalul trecut continuu
I, you...would have been flying.
They were flying a kite - Ei inaltau un zmeu - trecut continuu.
They would have been flying a kite if there had been wind - Ei ar fi inaltat un zmeu daca ar fi avut vant -conditionalul la trecut continuu.

314. Conditionalul trecut continuu inlocuieste conditionalul trecut in aceleasi cazuri in care trecutul continuu inlocuieste trecutul.
He would have been doing jail time if the law hadn't changed - Ar fi facut puscarie daca nu s-ar fi schimbat legea.

315. Conditionalul trecut continuu ramane neschimbat la toate persoanele
I would have been flying
You would have been flying
He would have been flying
She would have been flying
We would have been flying
You would have been flying
They would have been flying

316. Conditionalul Trecut Continuu nu are forma pasiva.

317. Propozitiile care contin conditionale contin deasemeni de multe ori prin natura lor conjunctia daca.
Aceste propozitii au forma:
Daca A atunci B - If A then B
Daca A, B - If A, B
B daca A - B if A.
Aceste propozitii care contin o conditie se numesc conditionale.
In engleza, ele au anumite reguli pentru timpurile verbelor din cadrul lor.
Ele se numesc If Clauses

If I go to school then I will learn a lot - Daca ma duc la scoala atunci voi invata multe
If I go to school, I will learn a lot
I will learn a lot if I go to school - Voi invata multe daca ma duc la scoala).

sâmbătă, 20 august 2016

Rumpelstiltskin & Hansel And Gretel Compilation

Rumpelstiltskin & Hansel And Gretel Compilation - Best Animated Fairy Tales For Children

Once there was a poor miller who had a very beautiful daughter. One day, he went to the king’s court and claimed that his daughter could spin straw into gold. The king ordered the miller’s daughter to come to the palace. He took her to a room full of straw and said to her, “You must spin all this straw into gold tonight, or you shall die!” The miller’s daughter was locked in the room alone. She did not know what to do and began to cry. Suddenly, a dwarf came out of nowhere and asked her, “Why are you crying?” When she told him the story, he said, “Don’t worry, I will spin the straw into gold, but what will you give me in return?” “I will give you my necklace!” she promised. The dwarf spun all the straw into gold. The third morning, the king was very happy to see the room full of gold. He took her to the biggest room filled with straw and said, “If you spin all this straw into gold, you shall become my wife!” The girl was locked up and once again, she began to cry. This time, when the little man came to her, she said, “I do not have anything to give you, sir! What will I do?” He said, “Promise me that you will give me your first born child when you become the queen!” The girl agreed to do so, because she was not expecting to become the king’s wife. The tiny man spun all the straw into gold in the night. The next day, the king was pleased to see the gold. He married the girl and soon they had a baby.

That night, when the little man carne to the queen, she was already prepared. The tiny man challenged, “Do you give up? Shall I take your child away?” The queen smiled and replied, “Is your name Harry? Is it Conrad? Perhaps it is Rumpelstiltskin!” Hearing his name, the tiny man screamed, “How could you possibly know my name?” Saying this, he ran away, deep into the forest never to be seen again.

Jack is a young boy living with his widowed mother and a dairy cow as their only source of income. When the cow stops giving milk, Jack's mother tells him to take it to the market to be sold. On the way, Jack meets an old man who offers "magic beans" in exchange for the cow, and Jack makes the trade. When he arrives home without any money, his mother becomes furious, throws the beans on the ground, and sends Jack to bed.

During the night, the magic beans cause a gigantic beanstalk to grow, which Jack climbs to a land high in the sky. When Jack finds an enormous castle, he breaks in. Soon after, the castle's owner, a giant, returns home. He senses that Jack is nearby, and speaks a rhyme:

I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.
When the giant falls asleep Jack steals a bag of gold coins and makes his escape down the beanstalk.

Jack climbs the beanstalk twice more. He learns of other treasures and steals them when the giant sleeps: first a goose that lays golden eggs (the most common variant is a hen; compare the idiom "to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs."), then a harp that plays by itself. The giant wakes when Jack leaves the house with the harp and chases Jack down the beanstalk. Jack calls to his mother for an axe and before the giant reaches the ground, cuts down the beanstalk, causing the giant to fall to his death. Jack and his mother live happily ever after with the riches that Jack stole.

#rumpelstiltskin #jackandthebeanstalk #fairytales #fairytalescompilation #bedtimestoriers #fairytale #disneyfairytales

miercuri, 17 august 2016

CURS DE ENGLEZA IN 900 DE PASI - Diateza activa si Diateza pasiva/ Passive and active voice

290. Toate timpurile invatate se refera la Diateza Activa, subiectul propozitiei efectueaza actiunea.
I am eating a boa constrictor - Eu mananc un sarpe boa

291. In Diateza Pasiva actiunea se face asupra subiectului
I am being eaten by a boa constrictor. - Eu sunt mancat de un sarpe boa
The clothes have been rinsed in the washing machine - Hainele au fost clatite in masina de spalat

292. Diateza Pasiva - Present Tense
I lift crates - Eu ridic lazi.
The crates are lifted by me - Lazile sunt ridicate de mine
I am lifed - Eu sunt ridicat
You are lifted - Tu esti ridicat
He is lifted - El este ridicat
She is lifted - Ea este ridicata
We are lifted - Noi suntem ridicati
You are lifted - Voi sunteti ridicati
They are lifted - Ei, Ele sunt ridicati

293. Diateza Pasiva - Present Continuous I am lifting crates - The creates are being lifted by me
I am being lifed
You are being lifted
He is being lifted
She is being lifted
We are being lifted
You are being lifted
They are being lifted

294. Diateza Pasiva - Past Tense I lifted crates - Eu am ridicat lazi.
The crates were lifted by me - Lazile au fost ridicate de mine
I was lifted - Eu am fost ridicat
You were lifted - Tu ai fost ridicat
He was lifted - El a fost ridicat
She was lifted - Ea a fost ridicata
We were lifted - Noi am fost ridicati
You were lifted - Voi ati fost ridicati
They were lifted - Ei, Ele au fost ridicati

295. Diateza Pasiva - Present Perfect
I have lifted crates - The creates have been lifted by me
I have been lifted - Eu am fost ridicat
You have been lifted - Tu ai fost ridicat
He has been lifted - El a fost ridicat
She has been lifted - Ea a fost ridicata
We have been lifted - Noi am fost ridicati
You have been lifted - Voi ati fost ridicati
They have been lifted - Ei, Ele au fost ridicati

296. Diateza Pasiva - Past Continuous
I was lifting crates - Eu ridicam lazi.
The crates were being lifted by me - Lazile erau ridicate de mine
I was being lifted - Eu eram ridicat
You were being lifted - Tu erai ridicat
He was being lifted - El era ridicat
She was being lifted - Ea era ridicata
We were being lifted - Noi eram ridicati
You were being lifted - Voi erati ridicati
They were being lifted - Ei, Ele erau ridicati

297. Diateza Pasiva - Past Perfect
I had lifted crates - Eu ridicasem lazi.
The crates had been lifted by me - Lazile fusesera ridicate de mine
I had been lifted - Eu fusesem ridicat
You had been lifted - Tu fusesesi ridicat
He had been lifted - El fusesese ridicat
She had been lifted - Ea fusesese ridicata
We had been lifted - Noi fuseseram ridicati
You had been lifted - Voi fuseserati ridicati
They had been lifted - Ei, Ele fusesera ridicati

298. Diateza Pasiva - Future Tense
I will lift crates - Eu voi ridica lazi.
The creates will be lifted by me - Lazile vor fi ridicate de mine
I will be lifted - Eu voi fi ridicat
You will be lifted - Tu vei fi ridicat
He will be lifted - El va fi ridicat
She will be lifted - Ea va fi ridicata
We will be lifted - Noi vom fi ridicati
You will be lifted - Voi veti fi ridicati
They will be lifted - Ei, Ele vor fi ridicati

299. Diateza Pasiva - Future Continuous
I will be lifting crates - The creates will be being lifted by me
Acest timp e prea complicat. Nu se foloseste

300. Diateza Pasiva - Future Perfect
I will have lifted crates - Eu voi fi ridicat lazi.
The creates will have been lifted by me - Lazile vor fi fost ridicate de mine
I will have been lifted - Eu voi fi fost ridicat
You will have been lifted - Tu vei fi fost ridicat
He will have been lifted - El va fi fost ridicat
She will have been lifted - Ea va fi fost ridicata
We will have been lifted - Noi vom fi fost ridicati
You will have been lifted - Voi veti fi fost ridicati
They will have been lifted - Ei, Ele vor fi fost ridicati

301. Diateza Pasiva - Perfect Continuous Tenses
I have been lifting crates
I had been lifting crates
I will have been lifting crates
Aceste timpuri devin foarte complicate la diateza pasiva, asa ca nu se folosesc.

vineri, 5 februarie 2016

Curs de engleza in 900 de pasi : Linking Verbs

284. Exista un numar de verbe care nu exprima o actiune. Aceste verbe sa numesc Linking Verbs (verbe de legatura), sunt insotite de un substantiv sau de un adjectiv
Pe romaneste ele formeaza predicatul nominal.
I am an actress - Eu sunt actrita. (sunt actrita e predicat nominal)
My neighbor seems happy - Vecinul meu pare fericit. - (pare fericit e predicat nominal)

285. In engleza urmatoarele verbe sunt totdeauna verbe de legatura si trebuie urmate de un nume predicativ:
to be - a fi
to become - a deveni
to seem - a parea
She is funny - Ea este nostima
Budgies become frightened easily - Papagalii perus devin usor spariati
It seemed like a good idea - Parea o idee buna

286. In engleza urmatoarele verbe NU sunt totdeauna verbe de legatura functia lor in propozitie depinde de context:
to appear - a aparea, a parea
to feel - a simti
to grow - a creste
to look - a privi, a cauta, a parea
to prove - a dovedi
to remain - a ramane
to smell - a mirosi
to sound - a suna
to taste - a gusta
to turn - a (se) intoarce, a deveni

287. To appear, to look si to turn au valoare de predicat nominal atunci cand au intelesul unuia din verbele care am vazut ca sunt totdeauna predicate nominale: to be, to become, to seem
Predicate nominale:
He appears tired 
He seems tired Pare obosit
He looks familiar 
He seems familiar Pare cunoscut
He turned 16. - 
He became 16 (nu se zice) - A implinit, (a devenit de)16 ani.

NU sunt predicate nominale
He appeared on TV - A aparut la televizor
He is looking for his watch - Isi cauta ceasul
He turned the car to face the gate - A intors masina ca sa fie cu fata spre poarta

288. Daca celelalte verbe prezentate
To feel - a simti, to grow - a creste, to prove - a dovedi, to remain - a ramane, to smell - a mirosi, to sound - a suna, to taste - a gusta
pot fi considerate sinonime cu verbul 
to be, atunci avem de-a face cu un predicat nominal care trebuie urmat de un adjectiv sau de un substantiv.
I feel a stong pain - Simt un mare junghi: verb de actiune
I feel tired - Ma simt obosita - Sunt obosita: 
verb de legatura (predicat nominal)
I grow a tree - Cresc un copac: 
verb de actiune
He will grow tall - El va creste inalt - El va fi inalt: 
verb de legatura (predicat nominal)

289. Exista cateva adjective in engleza care nu pot sta decat pe langa un verb de legatura.
Ele nu pot fi folosite pe langa substantive.
He is ill. - E bolnav.
An ill man - Nu e corect.

afraid: I am afraid - Mi-e frica
asleep: He is asleep - El doarme
alone: I am alone - Sunt singur
alive: I am alive - Sunt viu
aware: I am aware of that - Sunt constient de acest lucru
awake: It's ok, I am awake - E ok, nu dorm
content: I am content - Sunt multumit
due: The paper is due tommorow - Referatul are scadenta maine
ready: I am ready - Sunt gata
unable: I am unable to sing - Nu pot sa cant
glad: I am glad you came - Ma bucur ca ai venit
sorry: I am sorry - Imi pare rau
well: He is well - El e bine
ill: He is ill - El e bolnav
sure: I am sure - Sunt sigur